Problems with the Charlotte Area Transit System became obvious to many observers about two years ago when one of its light-rail trains experienced a derailment. It was later determined by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to be the result of deferred maintenance. Shortly after, Brent Cagle a seasoned expert on transportation matters, was brought in to lead the department on an interim basis.
At that time, the City’s Transportation, Planning, and Development Committee also received a referral from the Council to engage in greater scrutiny of CATS and receive regular progress reports from Cagle. To establish even further transparency, the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) was asked to review to obtain additional guidance regarding corrective measures. The draft report (see page 267 of the meeting packet) outlining its recommendations was provided during the most recent November 20th meeting of the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) which is a body made up of local government representatives who oversee the System. The findings included the following:
- CATS deferred the required 600K overhaul of its rail fleet trucks which resulted in a derailment and in-service failure.
- CATS rail fleet maintenance plan does not include the detailed requirements for existing equipment at certain defined intervals.
- CATS has not met its miles between road calls goal of > 15,000 miles for the last three years.
- Site visit observations found that CATS staff could not confirm the status and plans for the buses located in Lanes 15-17 at the South Tryon bus maintenance facility.
- CATS could not provide FTA with a full assessment of all its system facilities and equipment.
- Currently, each CATS department has a separate asset list with no central coordination.
- CATS does not report overall maintenance compliance to either senior management or the MTC.
- CATS Safety Department conducts audits/reviews of the maintenance of CATS assets. However, these efforts are not fully documented.