Charlotte’s Planning Director, Alyson Craig, provided a lengthy presentation yesterday to members of the Transportation, Planning, and Development Committee on proposed changes to the UDO. She began her remarks with an update on “Clean Up Text Amendment #4”. Some highlights included the following:
- Adds, deletes and modifies several general definitions.
- For N1 districts, clarifies where setbacks are measured from
- For residential development on corner lots, clarifies building orientation
- Updates procedural and applicability requirements for Neighborhood Character Overlay (NCO) and Residential Infill Overlay (RIO) districts
- Adjusts allowable building lengths for schools and places of worship
- Clarifies connection requirements for attached housing
- Allows duplexes, triplexes, and quads in additional zoning districts
- Another text amendment related to housing supply is likely to be filed after the first of the year. Some of Craig’s reasons for pursuing such a measure appear sound. Here were some of her thoughts:
- We are experiencing a housing crisis in Charlotte with demand outpacing supply.
- Gentle density can provide supply that is aligned to the Charlotte Future 2040 Plan, while providing for-sale housing opportunities.
- Initial Council referral dealt primarily with larger, greenfield development projects.
- A need exists moving us to focus on infill and small-scale development options (missing middle) to increase homeownership opportunities and inventory.
- Appropriately scaled density: Explore ways to encourage stacked quads (2 over 2)
- Allow housing in more places: Develop more flexibility for housing through partnerships and conversions
- Affordable small-scale solutions: Revise ADU standards
- Make it easier to develop preferred housing types: Create preapproved pattern books for missing middle housing types
- Increase affordable housing tools and explore options to fast-track affordable projects
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