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Webinar Nov. 19: Legislative and Political Update

Posted on November 12, 2019

The Advantage Series is an exclusive member benefit, delivering expert insights into the latest research to help you make informed business decisions.

This webinar will provide members with an update on federal legislative activity and executive agency actions affecting the commercial real estate industry, with a specific focus on NAIOP’s top public policy and legislative priorities.  Aquiles Suarez, NAIOP’s vice president for government affairs, and Alex Ford, NAIOP director of federal affairs, will discuss issues including tax legislation, infrastructure, environmental issues and federal regulatory matters.  Attendees can pose questions regarding federal issues affecting their business and gain insights to prepare them for any future regulatory or legislative challenges.

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New Report: The Evolution of Suburban Office Parks

Posted on October 7, 2019

The NAIOP Research Foundation has published a new report titled "Profiles in the Evolution of Suburban Office Parks," by Dustin C. Read, Ph.D./J.D.

The author interviewed five developers who have recently updated suburban office parks in the United States and Canada to learn how they made these properties relevant for today's market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Redeveloped office parks must fit the preferences of the local workforce and the needs of local employers.
  • Developers should seek to understand local officials' priorities.
  • Developers should build flexibility into their plans and partner with creditors who understand that they may need to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Developers can maximize the value of their improvements by leveraging design, technology and amenities to develop a property's identity and build community.
  • Rebranding is often a critical component of a successful redevelopment strategy.
 Read the Report.

Earn Your ARGUS Certification through NAIOP

Posted July 1, 2019

Members save $250 by registering to complete their on-demand ARGUS Enterprise certification through NAIOP. Now is the time to invest in your career!

Click here to learn more.

NAIOP Insights: Trending in Commercial Real Estate

Posted on April 23, 2019


The biggest thing happening in commercial real estate is digital disruption.

Traditionally, construction and CRE have lagged behind other industries, but technology is changing so rapidly it's setting the framework for how we look at CRE. It's no longer a 40-50 year asset – it's a dynamic process continually being reshaped by the convergence of technologies.

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Carried Interest, QIP Bills Introduced in Congress

Posted on April 1, 2019

Lawmakers return to Washington, D.C., this week after spending time in their districts. Several measures have been introduced that are important to NAIOP and commercial real estate. The Carried Interest Fairness Act of 2019, introduced in the House by Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) and in the Senate by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), aims to treat certain income currently taxed at the capital gains rate as ordinary income. This would be a major change, since the top capital gains rate is 20 percent and the highest rate on ordinary income is 37 percent.

Less than two years ago, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), a law that NAIOP strongly supported. Lawmakers recognized that taxing carried interests at a lower rate than ordinary income provides the necessary incentive for entrepreneurs to undertake risks inherent in development. The provision was therefore kept in place in the new tax law, though a new three-year holding period was imposed. The three-year holding period was intended to ensure that “carried interests” were used primarily for longer-term capital assets.

NAIOP has opposed changes to the taxation of real estate carried interests, and is working with its real estate allies to educate lawmakers in both the House and Senate on the changes already made to carried interest taxation.

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Big Data in Office Buildings Holds Promise Despite Privacy Worries

Posted on March 29, 2019

By Margarita Foster

Property managers are using “dynamic and multidimensional” information for operations but not yet for tenant engagement.

A white paper published by the NAIOP Research Foundation titled “The Office Property and Big Data Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together”found that office building owners are capturing, storing and analyzing data to operate building systems but not to recruit and retain tenants.

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NAIOP Insights: Blurring the Retail Line

Posted on March 28, 2019


Redevelopment is almost 100% of what's going on in retail real estate.

Today developers are selecting premier spots where they have access to customers, and that often means reusing existing retail locations.

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Industrial Demand to Remain Level as Economy Steadies

Posted on March 20, 2019

By Dr. Hany Guirguis and Dr. Joshua Harris

The forecast for net industrial space demand will remain steady in 2019. According to Dr. Hany Guirguis of Manhattan College and Dr. Joshua Harris of New York University, demand will remain at approximately 57 million square feet per quarter for 2019. That is unchanged from the average actual 2018 quarterly absorption of 57 million square feet. Industrial absorption in the final half of 2018 came in slightly above expectations due to higher consumer spending and retail sales, which were buoyed by a strong job market.

Industrial demand will be off to a strong start in 2019 with a potential tapering off into 2020 as rising interest rates moderate the economy’s growth rate. At present, the risk of a downturn in the industrial space market appears slim as the nationwide vacancy rate sits at a historically low 7.0 percent. Further, gross and net asking rents are at all-time highs, indicating that the market supply continues to tighten at a steady rate.

Click here to read more.

Deadline Approaching: NAIOP/Prologis Inclusion Scholarship

Posted on February 15, 2019

NAIOP and Prologis are partnering to provide a program scholarship to up to 10 individuals, helping prepare a pipeline of women and minorities for development and operations positions in commercial real estate.

Women or other underrepresented minorities who are demonstrating leadership and responsibility in the CRE profession are invited to apply for this program that will advance your industry knowledge and connect you with leaders across North America.

Applications for the scholarship are accepted online. The deadline to apply is February 22, 2019.

Learn more.

NAIOP Center for Education Courses

Posted on February 7, 2019

NAIOP Center for Education offers on-demand courses that fit into your busy schedule.

A flexible format allows you to set your own pace. Take up to three months to complete a course.

NAIOP and Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship

Posted on February 4, 2019

Diversity makes commercial real estate stronger.

The NAIOP and Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship will be awarded to up to 10 individuals, helping to prepare a pipeline of women and minority leaders for careers in commercial real estate.

Women or other underrepresented minorities in the CRE profession are invited to apply for this program that will increase your industry knowledge and connect you with leaders across North America.

Recipients will receive:

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Apply by Jan. 22: National Forums Program

Posted on January 18, 2019

Are you interested in going beyond local NAIOP relationships by networking with other executives in your industry segment from across North America? Members of NAIOP's National Forums meet in select groups twice annually and connect online year-round. Learn more about the program and submit your application today.

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Submit Your Application for NAIOP's National Forums

Posted on December 17, 2018

The Forums provide a unique opportunity for members to openly discuss project challenges, business opportunities and lessons-learned in a confidential and non-competitive setting. Over time, fellow members become a trusted circle of advisors.

The National Forums are an excellent way to become involved, stay in touch and develop new connections with key industry leaders.

To submit an application, create an account and apply using our online tool. Applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Forum groups as the official application deadline has passed. Notification of appointment will be emailed and followed by letter.

Click here to learn more.