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Mary Katherine Stukes Named a Charlotte Business Journal Women in Business Honoree

Originally published on January 27, 2025, by Moore & Van Allen.

Mary Katherin StukesNAIOP Charlotte Member and Moore & Van Allen's Head of Environmental, Mary Katherine Stukes, was selected for the Charlotte Business Journal’s 2025 Women in Business Awards program.

This highly competitive program, now in its 29th year, celebrates 25 women impacting the Charlotte region through career accomplishments and community involvement. Honorees will be spotlighted in a forthcoming CBJ special report and formally recognized during an awards program on March 20.

Stukes was selected based on her firm and industry leadership, track record of success in brownfield redevelopment matters, and meaningful endeavors as co-chair of MVA’s Women of Moore & Van Allen (WoMVA) Business Resource Group.

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2024-2025 Membership Renewal

Renew Your 2024-2025 MembershipsIt's time to renew your membership for 2025 to stay connected to NAIOP's extensive resources and North American network.

NAIOP is always working for our members' success.

Renew Today


REBIC Member Spotlight: Theresa Burnett

Theresa Burnett
Executive Officer for CRCBR & NAIOP
REBIC Board Member

We are proud to feature Theresa as our first Member Spotlight for 2025. She plays a vital role in Charlotte’s commercial real estate community and holds multiple leadership positions. She serves as Executive Vice President of the Charlotte Region Commercial Board of REALTORS® (CRCBR) and Executive Director of NAIOP Charlotte, the commercial development association. A strong advocate for collaboration, Theresa believes the best industry representation comes from working toward shared goals.

She recognizes commercial real estate's pivotal role in shaping Charlotte into a thriving place to live and do business and that REBIC’s advocacy and resources fuel growth across all sectors. As the organizations she represents flourish, so do the communities they serve, creating vibrant spaces to live and work. Theresa also emphasizes the importance of staying engaged with public policy and building relationships with elected officials to help align community and business interests.

Full Spotlight

Join NAIOP Now for 2025 & Get the Rest of 2024 FREE

Dealmaking starts here. Connect with NAIOP’s 21,000 members in 54 chapters across the U.S. and Canada.NAIOP members make deals with NAIOP members! Join now for 2025 and get the rest of 2024 free! 

Membership Benefits

At NAIOP, we’re not just empowering our members as they build their businesses – we’re shaping the future of commercial real estate.

NAIOP’s 21,000 members – top developers, owners, investors, brokers and other suppliers to the industry – know that we are their strongest support as they aim high and accomplish their professional goals. Achieve professional success equipped with the information and connections you need for your commercial real estate career.

Join Now

Welcome New Members

We are proud to introduce our new association members! The following is a list of individuals who have joined NAIOP Charlotte since April 2024:

  • Kailan Boston, eXp Commercial
  • Thomas Brafford, Patterson Pope Inc
  • Garrott Braswell, Avison Young
  • Noah Carper, Suddath Relocation & Logistics
  • Margaret Doolin, Barings
  • Andy Eades, Patriot Surveying & Infrastructure PLLC
  • Keely Edwards, Ratzlaff Construction Company, LLC
  • Jewell Gentry, Avison Young
  • Will Grant, Ascent Construction Group
  • Grandin Howell, DAVENPORT
  • Geoffrey Lewis, GEL Engineering, LLC
  • Chad Melberg, Gable Company
  • Trent Michels, FuND
  • Brian Mountcastle, L.F. Jennings General Contractor
  • Sean Pardy, Terracon Consultants, Inc
  • Zach Spencer, The Bainbridge Companies
  • James Thompson, Dogwood Industrial Properties
  • Paul Viverette, Multivista
  • Tyler Windham, USI Insurance Services
  • Adam Winters, ARCO Design/Build, Inc.

Become a Sponsor: 2024 Pickleball Tournament


Sponsorships Now Available

Get ready for the ultimate networking opportunity!

Grab your paddle and join us for the ultimate pickleball showdown! All skill levels are welcome, from seasoned pros to complete beginners.
Not ready to play? Come as a spectator to soak in the excitement and cheer on the competitors. Everyone is invited to an afternoon
of friendly competition and community as we enjoy one of the fastest-growing sports.

Event Schedule

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Registration & Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM: Play Round Robin
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM: Playoffs
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Awards

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Dustin C. Read Named Thomas J. Bisacquino Distinguished Fellow

Originally published on June 27, 2023, by NAIOP.

Dustin C. Read, Ph.D., J.D., has been named the NAIOP Research Foundation/Thomas J. Bisacquino Distinguished Fellow.

The position is endowed by the Thomas J. Bisacquino Honorary Fund, established by members of NAIOP to honor Bisacquino’s exemplary service to the association and the commercial real estate industry. Bisacquino retired in June 2022 after 33 years serving as NAIOP president and CEO.

“I’m exceptionally pleased to recognize Dustin with this fellowship,” said Jennifer LeFurgy, executive director of the NAIOP Research Foundation. “He is a longtime friend of NAIOP and has contributed his valuable expertise to the Foundation for several years. I’m confident we will all continue to benefit from his dedication, enthusiasm and leadership.”

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Developing Leaders Spotlight: A Shining Example of Giving Back

Originally published on April 28, 2023, by Marie Ruff for NAIOP.

There is no one path to commercial real estate development, but for Gregory Boler Jr., a recipient of the 2022 Developing Leaders Award, his career journey started with a mechanical engineering degree at Georgia State University. JLL’s Project and Development Services (PDS) Group interviewed Boler as part of an effort to recruit diverse entry-level talent in technical majors from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). He was one of four students selected and began his career working for JLL’s PDS Group in Atlanta.

“This was the only year that JLL’s PDS vertical recruited nationals at HBCUs, for which I’m grateful because I cannot imagine doing anything else,” Boler said.

Boler has a dozen years of experience in acquisitions, development, construction, leasing, asset management, and disposition. As managing director, of east region investments, Bridge Logistics Properties, his roles include sourcing and executing existing industrial acquisitions and new industrial developments. He currently manages several team members across the East Coast; his region stretches from Georgia to Pennsylvania and into New Jersey.

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NAIOP Chair Kim Synder Shares His Outlooks, Experiences

Originally published by Kim Snyder on March 27, 2023 for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

In the Spring issue of Development magazine, I shared some of my thoughts on our industry, my goals as chair, and what I see as NAIOP’s greatest member value. I had so much to share that I quickly ran out of room! So, I’m sharing an extended cut of our conversation with our Market Share blog readers. If you already haven’t, I’d invite you to read my recent column in the Spring issue of the magazine.

What are your goals as NAIOP Chair?

Our association is growing – surpassing new records at the end of 2022 – yet the membership structure is complex and can be challenging to explain to a new member. We need to simplify and streamline, making the structure easier to understand and removing any potential barriers for members. I’m pleased to share that a task force has been appointed to examine the structure.

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2023 Board of Directors

Executive Committee 

Steve McClure
The Spectrum Companies
Dan Melvin
Ken Jonmaire
Trinity Capital Advisors
Bobbi Jo Lazarus
Elliott Davis
Immediate Past President
Welch Liles
Asana Partners
Past President
Pat Pierce
Selwyn Property Group

Directors At-Large 

Director At Large
Todd Summerfield
Director At Large
Larry Shaheen
McIntosh Law 
Director At Large
Paxton Hollar
Director At Large
Alyson Craig
City of Charlotte 
Director At Large
Sagar Rathie
Crescent Communities 
Director At Large
Mary Katherine Stukes
Moore & Van Allen 
Director At Large
Nick Matus
Bank of America 
Director At Large
Elise Falls
Childress Klein 
Director At Large
Caleb Phillips
Brasfield & Gorrie 
Director At Large
Maggie Houston
Beacon Partners 



Kip Womack
UNC Charlotte
CKP Center for Real Estate 
Rob Nanfelt
Pat Pierce
Selwyn Property Group
(National Board Liaison) 


Committee Chairs

Coming soon!

Showcase Your Professional Credentials with NAIOP’s New Digital Badges

Originally published on September 13, 2022, by NAIOP.

Students receive credit towards earning their certificate through core classes presented by the NAIOP Center for Education. So whether you want to enhance the value of your current career track or to increase your credibility in transitioning to a new career goal or area of interest, consider the professional benefits and competitive edge you'll gain by earning your NAIOP Certificate of Advanced Study.

Commercial real estate professionals wanting to advance their careers by earning their certificate can focus their efforts on either the development or finance tracks by pursuing a Certificate of Advanced Study in Commercial Real Estate Development or a Certificate of Advanced Study in Real Estate Finance.

View Benefits

Permit Reform Legislation Advances Following NAIOP’s N.C. Advocacy Day


Members from NAIOP’s three chapters in North Carolina traveled to Raleigh last week to advance the priorities of the commercial real estate development industry in meetings with state lawmakers. The top priority for NAIOP of North Carolina, the state alliance of NAIOP chapters, is the passage and enactment of House Bill 291, permit reform legislation sponsored by State Representative Jeff Zenger.

Local building permits are an essential and fundamental requirement for the development and improvement of commercial and residential properties. However, the processes for obtaining these permits can vary by city and county in North Carolina. These variations lead to uncertainties and delays in projects moving forward, which can impact the costs, financing and contractional relationships with contractors and providers of construction equipment and materials.

The enactment of House Bill 291 would bring reforms to the permitting process similar to those advocated by our local chapter in Georgia which were ultimately enacted into law in that state. These reforms to the local permitting process bring more predictability and accountability, reducing uncertainty and unnecessary delays. Core elements of the bill include:

  • A local permitting entity has 21 days in which review the plans.
  • During the 21 days, the local entity shall resolve issues associated with the application and may seek additional information from the applicant.
  • If additional information is needed or the application must be resubmitted, the permitting entity has 15 days from receipt of the additional information to issue a permit.
  • If the local permitting entity is unable to meet the time parameters, the applicant or inspections department may seek approval from a certified third-party (engineer) or the Department of Insurance.

The North Carolina House of Representatives passed House Bill 291 in May of 2021 on bipartisan vote of 79-33, sending the bill to the state Senate. The legislation was eventually sent to the commerce and insurance committee in March for their consideration. Our meetings last week focused on urging Senate leadership and the committee chairs to move this important legislation forward before adjourning for the year as early as the end of June. NAIOP of North Carolina’s advocacy played a key role in HB 291 being scheduled the following day for a hearing before the insurance committee the subsequent week.

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NAIOP Charlotte visits Raleigh for Legislative Day

NAIOP three

As part of an annual visit, NAIOP members visited elected North Carolina's elected officials today in Raleigh. Representing the commercial real estate industry’s perspective is critical to cultivate future relationships when challenges arise in the state legislature. 



Class A Buildings Push Office Market Stabilization

Office market vacancy rates kept surging for the 10th straight quarter to start 2022, according to the NAIOP Research Foundation. The group recently published its Office Space Demand Forecast for Q2 2022. You can read the full report here
Office building
The group boasted that Class A buildings are key in many parts of the country, bolstering net absorption rates in areas like the Sun Belt. These work spaces are key in brining in skilled employees. The group said "suburban markets and life sciences hubs are recovering better than the national average as more employers embrace a return to the office and the pandemic eases."

Other key takeaways mentioned 

  • Leasing activity is up year over year, which signals that firms are more comfortable making longer-term commitments to office space. Property owners have been willing to offer greater tenant improvements to encourage signing, indicating that tenants still have the upper hand in lease negotiations. These signals indicate a move toward a more stable equilibrium as the office market finds its balance.
  • Given these trends and signs of a slowing – but still growing – economy, net office space absorption in the remaining three quarters of 2022 is forecast to be 46.9 million square feet, essentially unchanged from the previous forecast for these quarters (46.6 million square feet).
  • Total net absorption in 2023 is forecast to be 47.3 million square feet, with an additional 6.5 million square feet absorbed in the first quarter of 2024.

Join the NAIOP Volunteer Community


Volunteers are the heart of our Charlotte Chapter and its success, and we encourage every member to become actively involved in one of our committees! We have a number of opportunities for involvement and more information on each committee can be found here. Our committees include Programs, Legislative, Membership, and Sponsorship. Interested? Reach out to [email protected].

Welcome New NAIOP Charlotte Members | February 15, 2022


We are proud to introduce our new association members! The following is a list of individuals who have joined NAIOP Charlotte since November 2021:

  • Dave Andrews
  • John L.  Berger
  • Kara A.  Blue
  • Brian Bunce
  • Dave Davis
  • Sara Downing
  • Malik Evans
  • Brittany Govoni
  • Adam S. Hawthorne
  • Alexa Jordan
  • Joseph L. Leary
  • Terry Martin
  • Timothy C. Murphy
  • Jordan E. Murray
  • Ian Patrick
  • Tony Rolfes
  • John Schick
  • Jason Smith
  • Jack Taylor
  • Drew Thompson
  • Wenzhuo Tuttle
  • Nick Vosnock

Congratulations to our Fall Golf Tournament Winners!

Congratulations to our Tournament Winners!

Thank you to all our Participants and Sponsors!

We had an amazing turnout at this year’s CRCBR/NAIOP Charlotte Fall Golf Tournament. Thank you to everyone who came out on September 27 at Carolina Golf Club and congratulations to all of our tournament winners!

Golf Pic

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Check back for more photos coming soon!

Gross Winners

Our first place winners based on GROSS were:

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Welcome New NAIOP Charlotte Members

We are proud to introduce our new association members! The following is a list of individuals who have joined NAIOP Charlotte since March 12, 2021:

  • Brian Taylor, Miller-Valentine Group
  • Caleb Gass, Heritage BlueFire
  • Chandler Markey, Sands Investment Group
  • Philip Elliott, Consulting Services Incorporated
  • Elsa Simaan, Stewart Title Guaranty Company
  • Greg Hartley, Acro Development Services, PLLC
  • HeatherMucci, Novus Architects
  • John Moscati, GTA Associates, Inc.
  • Philip Potter, Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
  • Allen McDowell, Bohler Engineering
  • AnthonyZook, Bohler Engineering

Member Engagement and Activities Remained Strong in 2020

While 2020 didn’t go as planned, it didn’t stop NAIOP Charlotte members from continuing to connect and engage with each other and industry experts in the CRE community. Check out the many highlights from our events this past year. In addition, the Chapter thanked the 2020 Cornerstone Sponsors during an appreciation event and held a special event to welcome new members.

June LWAL: Update from Elected Leadership

During this LWAL, members received updates at the federal and state levels about the current society and commercial real estate development issues and heard the efforts being made to get the economy moving again. Our special guests included: Congressman Dan Bishop, US House 9th District; Speaker Tim Moore, NC House 111th District; and Representative Jason Saine, NC House 9thth District. Click here to access the recording.

June LWALEconomic Development Pipeline

In the middle of June, industry experts provided an update on what our economic development organizations are doing today. Our speakers included: Tracy Dodson, City of Charlotte; Donny Hicks, CEcD, CCIM, Gaston Country Economic Development Corporation; and Robby Carney, Cabarrus Economic Development Corporation. Click here to access the recording.

August Virtual PanelAre Lenders Lending?

Members and nonmembers engaged with industry leaders discussing the present state of lending and found out where we are in the course of this hurricane. We heard perspectives on the present state of lending in the commercial lending environment from Scott Cook, TD Bank; Anthony Fertitta, JLL; and Brad Smith, Bank of America.

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