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2024 Annual Meeting Resource Information

On December 4, 2024, NAIOP Charlotte hosted the Annual Meeting: Navigating the Horizon in 2025. The panel peeked into the future of Charlotte's commercial real estate landscape as we explored the public policy shifts, legislative changes, and evolving business practices poised to shape the industry. Below are resources to dive deeper into the discussions.

ESG Reporting Requirements

Can Industrial be a Good Neighbor in Residential Areas?




By Trey Barrineau

Industrial properties are often built near neighborhoods, but that isn’t always popular with the residents, who have legitimate concerns about noise, traffic and pollution from the increased volume of trucks and vans.

A recent NAIOP online panel discussion examined how developers can work with local communities to address these worries through outreach and engagement, as well as with design and technological innovations.

“Education is key to establishing that relationship early on,” said Sven Tustin, executive vice president with Conor Commercial, who moderated the panel. “The developer has to listen to concerns. Residents look at a site plan that shows 200 dock doors, and they assume that there will be 200 trucks coming in and out 24/7.”

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Reg Rates Increase Dec. 8 | Register Today for the Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

December 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Registration Rates Increase Tuesday, December 8

At this year's Annual Meeting, hear market updates and overviews on CRE in Charlotte from a panel of industry leaders. How is 2020 ending? What is next year shaping up to look like?

Come celebrate this unusual year, connect with friends and colleagues, and elect the 2021 NAIOP Charlotte Board!

Our Panelists

Board Nominations

Below is the Nominating Committee's recommendation for the 2021 Board of Directors.


Executive Committee

President: Pat Pierce, Selwyn Properties
President-Elect: Welch Liles,
Asana Partners
Secretary: Alyson Craig,
City of Charlotte

Treasurer: Steve McClure, The Spectrum Companies
Immediate Past President: Scott Harris,
Choate Construction
Past President: Tracy Dodson,
City of Charlotte
  Directors (two-year terms)

Paxton Hollar, SunCap Property Group
(1-year term)
Brian Kreefer, The Keith Corporation
Phil Kuttner, LITTLE
Bobbie Jo Lazarus, Elliott Davis
Dan Melvin, LandDesign
Mary Katherine Stukes, Moore & Van Allen

Directors (remaining on the Board)

Rad Hudson, Metromont
Ken Jonmaire, Crescent Communities
Pete Kidwell, Beacon Partners
Mike Kramer, Bank of America
  Non-Voting Liaisons

National Board Liaison: Pat Pierce, Selwyn Properties
REBIC Liaison: Madeline Keeter, REBIC
UNCC Liaison: Dr. Yongqiang Chu, UNC Charlotte Childress Klein Center for Real Estate



Registration for members will be free and $15 for non-members through December 7. Beginning December 8, the registration fee will increase to $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Prior registration is required. Zoom details will be sent two (2) hours prior to the event.


Register Here

Register Today! Annual Meeting is on Dec. 15

2020 Annual Meeting

December 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

This year’s Annual Meeting will feature a panel of industry leaders providing market updates and overviews on commercial real estate in Charlotte. How are we ending the year? What is 2021 shaping up to look like?

Come wrap up and celebrate this unusual year, elect the 2021 NAIOP Charlotte Board, and connect with friends and colleagues!

Our Panelists



Registration for members will be free and $15 for non-members through December 7. Beginning December 8, the registration fee will increase to $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Prior registration is required. Zoom details will be sent two (2) hours prior to the event.

Register Here



If you have questions, please contact the NAIOP Charlotte office at [email protected].